Free Book for learning Ubuntu /Linux

Dave Scott DaveScott at
Sat May 24 19:40:29 UTC 2008

Florian Diesch wrote:
> SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux <i-ubux at> wrote:
>> On Sat, 2008-05-24 at 00:41 +0200, Florian Diesch wrote:
>>> anuj <anuj.tomar at> wrote:
>>>> I am new bee and I really want to clear my fundamentals for Ubuntu/Linux 
>>>> as I am training to become admin for ubuntu servers
>>>> Pl advice if there free books /Guides on net which i can go through
>>> Install "rutebook" and have a look at /usr/share/doc/rutebook/
>>>    Florian
>> Hi Florian, 
>> Your rutebook hint is interesting ! ;-)
>> It installs and there is a rutebook.pdf.gz with abolutely not entries or
>> icons on the desktop !!
>> How can a new bee get these things readable then ? ;-(
> For me it just works in nautilus. If it doesn't for you open a terminal
> window and type
>   gzip -c  /usr/share/doc/rutebook/rutebook.pdf.gz > ~/Desktop/rutebook.pdf
> (that's one line).  This copies a decompressed version of
> /usr/share/doc/rutebook/rutebook.pdf.gz named rutebook.pdf to your
> desktop.
> Maybe typing
>   see /usr/share/doc/rutebook/rutebook.pdf.gz
> in a terminal window works, too. 
This was interesting enough that I tried to find this entry in the 
repository with Add/Remove programs in ubuntu 8.04 and it wasn't there. 
Can someone be a bit more specific as to where this item will be found?

David E. Scott
DaveScott at
Software Development

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