Detaching X [Was: [OT] Debian mailinglists]

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Wed May 21 17:51:22 UTC 2008

Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Wed, May 21, 2008 9:17 am, Les Mikesell wrote:
>> I usually work
>> under the NX client with an X display from a different machine so I can
>> suspend it and grab it from another location with all programs still
>> running.
>     OOooo, new toy.  I wasn't aware of this program.  Is it capable of
> single-program moves?  That's the one thing I am looking for in X.

I'm not sure, and I've never bothered trying.  I just run a full desktop 
at nearly full screen size and do almost all my work there while still 
having access to some local programs (like IMAP email which takes care 
of remote access on its own).  Sometimes I pick it up on a dual-headed 
windows box where it is easy to work with both sets of programs and 
sometimes I work remotely from a mac at home.  Oddly, only the mac 
client seems to be able to resize the window.

 > My
> laptop's memory is prohibitively thin.  I'd like to be able to offload
> some of my long-running, low CPU usage applications to my server while
> retaining their display on the laptop.  However, I'd like to do so in a
> manner where if my laptop needs a reboot or I boot my game machine into
> X I can reattach to those programs.  Basically screen for X.  xmove was
> spectacularly unusable.
>     Can NX do that or, alternatively, does anyone know of such an
> application other than xmove that can?

No problem, if you take the whole server desktop.  I think it is 
possible with individual windows but you may have to fiddle with the 
component programs to make it work.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at

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