Some keys are missing in the "Power OFF" dialogue

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Tue May 20 17:14:32 UTC 2008

2008/5/20, Brian McKee <brian.mckee at>:
> On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Johnny Rosenberg
> <gurus.knugum at> wrote:
> > I have had a problem for weeks now that nobody seems to be able to solve,
> or
> > maybe just nobody cares...
> >
> > The problem occurs when I click the "Power down" button, or whatever it's
> > called, I am talking about the button next to the date and time in the
> upper
> > right corner (where it is by default, I didn't move it around). What
> happens
> > is that the dialogue opens as it should, but two buttons are missing:
> > Suspend and Hibernate. If I click Cancel and then click the Power Down
> > button again, all 7 buttons are there (plus Cancel of course).
> >
> > Here are some clues:
> >
> > I also have KDE and Xfce installed on my system, but this problem ONLY
> > occurs with Gnome.
> > My wife has an account on the very same computer, but she has no problem
> of
> > this kind at all. She always gets the 7 buttons plus the Cancel button.
> > If I click [System → Appearance → Visual Effects → None → Close], the
> > problem still persists, even after full restart.
> > If I logout, then login to a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F2), then rename ~/.gconf
> to
> > ~/.gconf.old, then logout and finally do a normal login to Gnome again,
> the
> > same problem still persists.
> >
> > I don't really know what's best to try next. Any ideas?
> Me either - that sounds odd to me.  I'd file a bug...
> Not easy to file a bug when I don't even know what circumstances make this
happen. How can I make it possible for someone else to reproduce this
problem? I kind of hoped that someone else experienced this problem, but
that this "someone" is more experienced than me (beginner), being able to,
if not solve the problem, at least have an idea what might be causing it.

If you have a link to where I file a bug, I would appreciate it. The
question is if this is an Ubuntu bug (if it is a bug) or a Gnome bug or some
other kind of bug...

Johnny Rosenberg
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