from fedora to ubuntu

Nat Gross nat101l at
Fri May 16 14:59:26 UTC 2008

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 12:11 AM, Kurt Wall <kwall at> wrote:
> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 07:32:48PM -0400, Nat Gross wrote:
>> Hi;
>> After many years on Fedora and Redhat, I am considering jumping ship.
>> My immediate concern of course is how quickly I can get up to speed with ubuntu.
>> Is there a document that details fundamental differences for folks
>> coming from fedora?
Thanks for the useful link.

>> For example, can I use yum out of the box? More importantly is the
>> location of key files and directories off /etc, etc. [pun intended].
> Yes, but why would you want to? Apt and aptitude are superior to yum
> and rpm in every way I can think of.
With yum I have a fairly advanced setup, using a proxy server for all
clients on the lan.
Also, I need to get up and running quickly. So, I want to be able to
do things the old way, until I have time to absorb the learning curve.

By the way, I only used yum as an example. My key concern was command
line maintenance (or are the gui's that good?) of boot files, login
scripts, environment variables, java, etc.


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