from fedora to ubuntu

Alan Milnes deep64blue at
Fri May 16 07:27:18 UTC 2008

On 16/05/2008, "Terrell Prudé Jr." <microman at> wrote:

>  There are, naturally, some differences, but they're hardly
>  insurmountable.  For example, the stuff that you know of in
>  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts is now in /etc/network/interfaces.  Also,
>  "yum update" or "yum upgrade" is replaced by the tag-team combo:

I'm doing the same migration and one thing I'm struggling with is how
Ubuntu handles start and stop scripts (the stuff you would put in
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d on Red Hat).  Can anyone point me to a good reference
for it?  I've googled and seen lots of stuff but no real good
explanation of what is going on.



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