Virtualbox: expanding the size of a virtual disk

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at
Thu May 15 02:13:36 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 05/14/2008 05:22 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> On 05/14/2008 03:52 PM, Steven Davies-Morris wrote:
>>> NoOp wrote:
>> [snip]
>>>> Given that there isn't anything really of value on it that I can't
>>>> easily restore, I'm trying the above to move it to a 6GB. You might want
>>>> to wait awhile and see if/how I screw up mine first before messing with
>>>> yours :-)
>>> Screw away...I'll wait awhile and get some documentation done for a 
>>> customer.
>> OK, it worked! I now have the 4GB Win2KP running on the 6GB :-) After
>> follwing the steps, I booted Knoppix (using the VM to boot it), ran
>> gparted and expanded the drive to 6GB, restarted the VM & booted into
>> Win2KP. Windows did it's chkdsk thing & popped right in. Now, for the
>> final test: removing the old 4GB machine so that VB only sees the new
>> machine.  More later :-)
> Done. Unregistered the old VM in VB and deleted the old 4.1GB vdi in
> /home/<username>/.VirtualBox/VDI

Super.  I'll give that a whirel on Thursday.  Thanks.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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