Simple backup question made complicated

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed May 14 14:03:02 UTC 2008

Quick question, if any of you know of a good solution I'd appreciate it.

I have a Linux workstation with 2 USB drives used for data storage.
I have a headless Windows workstation with the C$ shared out.
The windows system is being used for iTunes primarily.

Is there a way to mount the Windows system on the Ubuntu (Hardy) 
workstation and back up the filesystem to the USB drives as a backup 
solution?  I was thinking of using a boot disc to periodically back it 
up with partimage, but that would necessitate a monitor which the 
Windows system doesn't have (primarily accessed using VNC).

I'd mainly want to keep from losing the iTunes information (purchases!) 
if the hard drive dies on it. If there's a way to image the partition 
without doing the booting from a disc, I could copy it to the Ubuntu 
system's mounted USB drives...


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