Another ffmpeg (version?) question

Owen Townend owen.townend at
Wed May 14 13:38:09 UTC 2008

>  . . . Furthermore, the audio stream is MP3-encoded so
>  you need to enable LAME support by passing "--enable-mp3lame" to con‐
>  figure. . . .
>  Not sure what this means. Is there a configure file somewhere? Or is
>  this talking about when compiled?
>  If this is a compile thing, is there another version that has been
>  compiled with mp3 support in the repos? or must I do it myself?
>  If anyone knows or can tell me how to figure it out I'd appreciate it..
>  Patton

  This is a compile it yourself type situation. The instructions and
steps are quite simple though it may take some time to compile.
  There's a guide at to help you through.


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