Debian or Ubuntu?

Steve Lamb grey at
Mon May 12 22:17:34 UTC 2008

On Mon, May 12, 2008 2:22 pm, Mike Bird wrote:
> Backported kernels are up to 2.6.22 but Thinkpad T61 audio needs 2.6.24.
> It recently migrated into Testing but it's still unknown whether it will
> be included in EtchAndAHalf (4.0r4).

    Well, I meant more as that being the process to get newer packages into
older versions of Debian.  IE, the process is there, it just needs to be

> (Just a reminder that we're talking about Debian here.)

    True, on a laptop.  Which is one use where I would heartily recommend
the desired flavor of Ubuntu.  ;)

Steve Lamb

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