Install problem with 8.04 alternate CD
glgxg at
Sun May 11 00:43:22 UTC 2008
On 05/09/2008 06:19 AM, Cola wrote:
> I want to install Ubuntu 8.04 on my PC with alternate CD, but got
> problem. At the begning, everything is OK, the alternate CD booted,
> then choose Install from the menu. The system booted. Then choose
> keyboard, detect CD, etc, something like this. Then the problem comes
> when the system said need to enter the hostname. I can't input
> anything with my keyboard, it seems the system hangs. I try several
> times, but got same results. The same problem occurs when I need to
> enter into recover mode. after I choose to enter into the recover
> mode in the grub menu, system can boot. when the system comes out
> with the first dialogue to choose something(I forgot what is it, only
> remember it is the first TXT dialogue), but the keryboard died.
> My PC: Jetway A690G, AMD 4200+, 2G Mem, vga is onboard
> Anybody has the answer?Thanks
What type of keyboard? USB, wireless, bluetooth, hardwired?
You might try telling it that you are using a standard US International
105 keyboard. Run kbdconfig as root after you have completed the
installation and tell it your actual keyboard.
Try booting with Knoppix and or Ubuntu liveCD to see if your keyboard
works: with those. If they do, then there may be
a bug in the Alternate CD installer.
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