I need some advice on BIG external storage units

Tom Rausner tom at rausner.dk
Sat May 10 12:40:47 UTC 2008

fre, 09 05 2008 kl. 16:02 -0700, skrev Steven Davies-Morris:

> About 18 months ago I put 250gb Buffalo external storage units into my 
> customers' stores.  These have a Hitachi drive in them IIRC and are both 
> USB 2 + ethernet connectable.  I imagine they have a 1 TB model, or 
> bigger, by now. Regardless of the mfg, I'd go with one that has an 
> ethernet 192.168.x.x addressable device 'cos then it won't matter what 
> O/S you're hooked up to.

Good point !


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