8.04 (32Bit) on Intel Dual Core laptop with Phoenix BIOS: No CD and no Bluetooth Mouse

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at googlemail.com
Fri May 9 08:28:53 UTC 2008

On Fri, 09 May 2008 09:52:45 +0200
"Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF]" <peter at frenning.dk> wrote:
>						  (can't use 64 Bit yet 
> because I need Skype and VirtualBox),

I know it's not entirely relevant, but I'm using VirtualBox and Skype on x86_64 Ubuntu.

For VirtualBox, I just downloaded and installed the relevant package.
For Skype, download and extract the static binary, and run linux32 /path/to/where/you/extracted/it/skype
You just want to give the 32-bit skype binary as the argument to linux32.
Avi Greenbury

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