Wireless configuration how does one save it...???

Larry Shields larryesu at charter.net
Sun May 4 12:26:25 UTC 2008

Terrell Prudé Jr. wrote:
> How are you setting it?  Via command line or via the GUI?  If it's via 
> the command line, then just include those iwconfig lines in your 
> /etc/rc.local file, and you should be good to go.  That's how I do it 
> on my Dapper box.
> If you're using the GUI, are you running GNOME or KDE?
> --TP
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> Larry Shields wrote:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> Wireless configuration how does one save it...???
>> From:
>> Larry Shields <larryesu at charter.net>
>> Date:
>> Sat, 03 May 2008 06:48:20 -0500
>> To:
>> compiz-users-list <compiz-bounces at lists.freedesktop.org>
>> To:
>> compiz-users-list <compiz-bounces at lists.freedesktop.org>
>> *I have seen a few others ask this question of how to save your 
>> wireless configuration, so the next time you boot up it will remember 
>> what these settings were...
>> I have forgotten how to do this, so if anyone can help me I'd 
>> appreciate it...
>> Thanks Larry
>> *
*I have found my problem...Which was I forgot to install wpa_supplicant, 
then to edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file...

That fixed my problem...

Thanks for the replies...


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