ERROR in Evolution

Karl Auer kauer at
Sun Mar 30 04:28:39 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-03-29 at 22:18 -0500, Joseph wrote:
> You bring up some interesting and valid questions.  I've checked and
> double....   even triple checked the accounts and they are all
> identical except the actual eMail address and passwords.

Have you tried rebuilding the account - i.e. put in the account
information again, starting from scratch.

> You'd mentioned the server....    being "fully qualified.  It's my
> domain which I have with Network Solutions.

What domain is it?

> this one (ragweed) hangs up with an error.

"ragweed" is the email address (left of the at-symbol), right? So it's
"ragweed at"?

> So you think it's a bug???   Maybe if I sprinkle some boric acid on
> the system....   <GRIN>

Right now I still think it's operator error :-)

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at                   +61-2-64957160 (h)                  +61-428-957160 (mob)

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