nonvisible caracters desert256 and dircolors.vim
Thilo Six
T.Six at
Thu Mar 27 21:29:18 UTC 2008
Ulf Rompe wrote the following on 27.03.2008 16:44
> elseif &t_Co == 256 || has("gui_running")
> hi def dircolorsColor0 ctermfg=0 guifg=Black
> Without knowing anything about vim scripting this looks to me as if the
> foreground colour for "00" is set to black, regardless of the current
> background colour. The funny part is that white is also used as a
> foreground colour in line 504, so this syntax file will hardly display
> everything correctly in any case unless I get it wrong. Let's just
> assume I get it completely wrong. :-)
> [x] ulf
Hi Ulf
actually i came to the same conclution as you as i tried to debug
dircolors.vim. Sadly i am not vim-brave enough to fix it but to me this also
seems the source of this bug.
I actually tried to set those color definitions to useful without
success so far.
That's the point were i asked for some help.
The thing with desert256 is, it calculates the colors on some metrecis.
So in conbination this is buggy.
bye Thilo
key: 0x4A411E09
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