nonvisible caracters desert256 and dircolors.vim

Ulf Rompe Ulf.Rompe at
Thu Mar 27 15:44:47 UTC 2008

Am Mittwoch, den 26.03.2008, 18:50 +0100 schrieb Thilo Six:
> >> I use vim with
> >> :colorscheme desert256
> >>
> >> and when editing '~/.dircolors' '00' isn't visible e.g.:
> >> .txt 00;33
> >>
> >> Is this a bug in dircolors.vim or in desert256.vim?

A quick look into dircolors.vim discovers this at line 488:

        elseif &t_Co == 256 || has("gui_running")
          hi def    dircolorsColor0     ctermfg=0   guifg=Black
Without knowing anything about vim scripting this looks to me as if the
foreground colour for "00" is set to black, regardless of the current
background colour. The funny part is that white is also used as a
foreground colour in line 504, so this syntax file will hardly display
everything correctly in any case unless I get it wrong. Let's just
assume I get it completely wrong. :-)

[x] ulf 

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