Wireless HP Printers -- Was Re: Home office printer recommendations?

Michael S. Peek peek at tiem.utk.edu
Mon Mar 24 14:13:55 UTC 2008

Michael Peek wrote:
> Hello again Ubuntu gurus,
> My wife needs a color inkjet to replace the cheap one we have that's
> dying.  This is for a home office and will be used extensively, so it
> needs to be of good quality.  (And because of some of the material she
> is printing on, it does need to be some sort of inkjet.)  And I would
> greatly prefer something supported by Ubuntu out of the box.
> Do any of you out there have any recommendations?
> ...And is there such a thing as a wireless networked printer?
> Thanks for your help,
> Michael

Okay guys,

I think I've found a printer that I like.  Right now I plan to go with 
an HP C7280 or C6280.  I'm partial to the C7280 since it has a built-in 
wireless card, which means my wife can put it anywhere in the house she 
wants and be able to print to it from the laptop from anywhere else in 
the house.

 From my research, so long as I have hplip, foomatic*, and hpijs 
packages installed then all I have to do is plug the printer in via the 
USB port and it's automatically detected and installed -- sweet!  Thanks 

...But what if I want to install this printer as a wireless printer?  
I'm not even sure I know how to do that.

I know how to install a remote printer in cups by giving an IP address, 
but isn't there a chance that the printer will get a different address 
each time it's turned on?  Does that mean that I need to configure the 
router to give it a static address?  Or will cups/hplip automagically 
figure it out somehow?

Will hplip work the same to a network printer as it will to a 
USB-connected printer?  (I'm assuming it will, but I wanted to ask.)

What other gotcha's should I be asking about?

Thanks for your help,


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