Using a webcam

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Sun Mar 23 22:28:55 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 23/03/2008, Wade Smart <wadesmart at> wrote:
>> 03222008 2019 GMT-6
>>  I'm working on a project where I'm writing code to get pictures from a
>>  webcam and uploading them to a server for security. I'm experimenting
>>  with this Logitech QuickCam but after looking through synaptic for
>>  software, nothing really jumped out at me.
>>  Any recommendations?
> The software Camorama seems like just what you need.
> And if you have trouble getting the webcam to work with Ubuntu, then
> PLEASE write to Logitech and let them know that you need Linux support
> for their cameras. Logitech is rightfully ignoring the Linux
> community, because for some reason Linux users are not telling them
> that we need their products to work. We write the ATI, and ATI opened
> up their specs last September. Many other companies have followed
> suit. Why people are afraid of Logitech I do not know. Here is their
> contact page:
> Dotan Cohen

03232008 1658 GMT-6

The app I was found, Camorama, crashed repeated last night but today is
working fine. I havent had any trouble really with the camera. I just
plugged it in and it seems to work.

And just as a note, Im NOT using this as a security camera. Im just
using this as a simple test camera as I do not yet have the security
camera to test from.


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