How to change directory and run file batch style command?
semaj semaj
semaj3000 at
Fri Mar 21 19:44:02 UTC 2008
Ok I have been working on this for an hour or two now but i finally answered my own question. I was trying to get the Interactive Brokers client to run on my machine. Here are the directions for myself for future use which may help also.
1.Download Interactive Brokers for Unix
2.Open and extract archive
(a)UBUNTU: Double click or run archive manager
(b)UBUNTU: Drag Ibjts folder to your home folder ( \home\$USERFOLDERNAME$)
i.NOTE: Replace $USERHOMEFOLDER$ with the users home folder without the $ signs
(c)UNIX: jar xf unixmacosx.jar
3.Open IBjts folder by going to Places->Home->IBjts
4.Create new shell script file
(a)UBUNTU: Right Click on folder and click Create Document-> Empty File
5.Name file run
(a)UBUNTU: After clicking empty file in step 4a the name of the file will be highlighted alrady, just start typing
6.Open file for editing
(a)UBUNTU: Double click on file
7.Add the following text below to the file replacing $USERHOMEFOLDER$ with your home folder name (your linux username) on line 2
java -cp jts.jar:pluginsupport.jar:jcommon-1.0.0.jar:jfreechart-1.0.0.jar:jhall.jar:other.jar:riskfeed.jar:rss.jar -Xmx256M jclient.LoginFrame .
8.Save file
(a)UBUNTU: CRTL + S on the keyboard or click on file then save
9.Exit out of editing porogram
(a)UBUNTU: File Exit
10.Give execute permissions to the file
(a)UBUNTU: Right click on file and click “Properties”
i.Click on tab “Permissions”
ii.Check box to enable labeled “Allow executing files as program”
iii.Click “Close”
11.Create shortcut to open Trading Workstation on the desktop
(a)UBUNTU: Right click on desktop and click “Create Launcher”
i.Choose Type: Application
ii.type name for shortcut “TRADER WORKSTATION” in name field
iii.For command field click browse and browse to Ibjts folder or type home folder location
A.example below replace $USERHOMEFOLDER$ with your home folder name
iv.Click “OK”
12.Now you should be able to run TWS by clicking an icon on your desktop
NOTES: $USERHOMEFOLDER$ refers to the users home folder name. Do not include the $ signs when typing the users home folder.
A link to the run file was used so the user does not receive prompt on how to run this executable and it opens like a normal program.
semaJ Semaj3000 at
> From: semaj3000 at
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Subject: How to change directory and run file batch style command?
> Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 14:22:05 -0400
> Hello,
> I installed a java program on my linux ubuntu 7.10 system but i need to find an easy way to run the program.
> What i need to do in the command prompt is change directory to home then to the IBjts folder
> cd IBjts
> then i want to run the command
> java -cp jts.jar:pluginsupport.jar:jcommon-1.0.0.jar:jfreechart-1.0.0.jar:jhall.jar:other.jar:riskfeed.jar:rss.jar -Xmx256M jclient.LoginFrame .
> In windows I would just make a simple batch file but i am not sure how to do this in linux. This is a java program I want to run and if there is a better way of doing this let me know. I just want ot click on the icon and for it to run, Ha.
> Thanks for your help in advance.
> Jim Koltiska
> Akron, Ohio
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