CUPS Kerberos Problem

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Tue Mar 11 06:19:53 UTC 2008

--- NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:

> On 03/10/2008 03:36 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> >> <Snip>

> >  BTW, I've read all
> your
> > posts on setting up a network printer(ipp) and am
> > failing badly. There seems to be an issue with the
> > and it does everything but print. If you have the
> time
> > maybe we could talk off-list. I have an Epson
> Stylus
> > CX5800F MFP and had it installed locally once and
> > working. Now can't get it to work as a local usb
> > printer because https://localhost:632/admin add
> > printer doesn't have a configuration for a usb
> printer.
> Sure, I'll be happy to help if I can, drop me a
> note. Re USB printer, my
> printer is a Canon MP750 multi-function USB printer
> and it works just
> fine connected locally, and from my other Ubuntu
> machines using:
> The only settings that I have in the Printer Server
> settings are:
> - Share published printers connected to this system
> [note: Allow printing from the internet is *not*
> checked]
> - Allow remote administration
Ok, got rid of all remnants of a cups printer setup
and went to Https://localhost:631/admin and I'm still
having trouble selecting the proper backend. I chose
SCSI this time just to try it and got
"/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp failed" using 
Device URI: ipp://
For the local printer setup with localhost does the
backend have anything to do with the linksys wifi
card. I've seen where it said to use ports 4010, 4020
and 4030 for linksys and I don't know if that refers
to the wifi card or their router. Can you clear this
up for me. Some of the Device URI's listed are:
Backend Error Handler, Hal Printing Backend,
IPP(http), IPP(ipp), LPT#1 and #2, SCSI printer and
Windows printer via samba. This confuses me since I
have a usb printer and cups or kde add printer wizard
used to have a listing for a usb printer. From your
email, I gather you are using LPT#1 or 2. Some
guidance and comments on this and I may be able to
setup a local printer. Or maybe I should just give up
on localhost and use the add printer wizard which you
don't ahve any experience with. BION, I have used both
methods successfuly on this and previous Epson
printers but not now since they've changed a few
things. Help!

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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