Ubu - need a visio reader

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 5 01:36:33 UTC 2008

On 03/04/2008 01:44 PM, Owen Townend wrote:
> On 3/5/08, jack <tdldev at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Both efforts worked very well! The images were enough to be able to get
>> eyes on these drawings. The import (thanks Owen!) were fine, but dia was
>> not able to do anything more than make a mangled image with them. I'm
>> guessing that dia still has a bit of work left to make the claim that it
>> truly works. I'll try OOo on them as well, just to see if OO does
>> something different.
>> Jack

> Hey,
>   No worries, glad I could help.
>   Perhaps there's a better file type to export to that may help...
>   Otherwise you may have luck using the Visio2003 Viewer in wine.

Tried that last night -- the viewer requires IE/Internet Exploder of all
things to view the file, that's why I ended up booting into windows.
However, if you export the vsd as dxf he should be able to open in OOo
Draw with no problem.

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