Help needed to enable boot.log in Hardy Heron

David Armour d.f.armour at
Thu Jun 26 04:53:54 UTC 2008


Robert Holtzman <holtzm at>
>>> I've since read that Crtl-S/Q may control the rate of start-up 
>>> messages,
>>> and/or that Crtl-Alt-F8 makes them viewable in that console. HTH.
>> Can you cite a source for this, please?

First of all, thank you for your reply, and sorry for the delay in 
getting back.

I have been up and down my Firefox history several times today looking 
for anything that would a) jog my increasingly pathetic memory, or b) 
qualify as a source for a citation, but with no obvious candidates. I'm 
reasonably sure I'm not hallucinating, at least about having read about 
Crtl-S/Crtl-Q (for start/stop), and/or Crtl-Alt-F8. But the short answer 
to your entirely reasonable question, I'm sad to say, is still "no", or 
at least until my memory unlocks and I can find where I read it. I'm 
feeling a bit like Winston Smith after he'd seen the photo...

The other option to which I'm willing to give a shot: simply re-boot, 
try the keyboard sequence(s), and see what happens. Back in the days 
when I was out of my depth in FreeBSD, (has it been that long?) I used 
to hit Pause to get the bootlog messages to stand still for a while. Or 
something along those lines. So I do have long-ish-term memories of 
actually doing something along the lines of hitting Crtl-S and Crtl-Q 
and having it produce the desired outcomes. But in any case, I'll let 
the list know, assuming I don't bork everything irretrievably! Cover me! 
I'm goin' in!

>> My /boot (on 8.04) contains no init.d. Instead, /etc/init.d contains:
>> case "$BOOTLOGD_ENABLE" in
>>   [Nn]*)
>>     exit 0
>>     ;;
>> esac
>> Which to me is unintelligible
It's essentially unintelligible to me also, but guessing mode ON, I'd 
suppose something along the lines of: if your environment variable for 
enabling a bootloggin' daemon says anything vaguely negatory, ... then 
get the f*** outta there and find something more productive to occupy 
yourself with. OWTTE. :c)

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