hardy nvidia fx 5200 resolution

John Vivirito gnomefreak at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 08:36:43 UTC 2008

> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 15:45:49 +0530
> From: "Arvind K" <arvindkhadri at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re:hardy nvidia fx 5200 resolution
> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID:
> 	<6ec04d020806240315t79e8355embd93ba112db9d6d3 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> -- Hey to all
> I am new to linux and i dont know much it. i installed ubuntu hardy on my
> system it works fine but i am facing a problem. the issue is am unable
> increase my resolution from 640x480.
> I downloaded and enabled all the nvidia drivers available in the repository
> but it didnt help. i also tried to installed envy-ng but it also dont work.
> i have now downloaded the drivers from nvidia's website but i dont know wath
> to do with it. its a .RUN file and a TAR archieve which is for
> configuration.
> i would be really glad if you guys could help me in simple easy steps.
> Thanking you
> Umer
> Hi,just untar the source you downloaded to somewhere and then do to terminal
> , change your directory the untarred directory using
> cd /path/to/directory/
> then just type
> sudo ./run
> and then type sudo make install if needed....
> My Fingerprint:1024D/45CA88FF
> The box said Windoze or better,so i installed Linux
> Registered Linux User #46760

hust run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
That should remake your xorg.conf file and should add all screen
resolutions that you can use. first you need to make sure you are using
the nvidia drivers as it might be as simple to use hardware drivers from
the system menu. I have attached my xorg.conf after using the above
command on this box using the 5200 card.

Sincerely Yours,
    John Vivirito

Linux User# 414246
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