Lets face Ubuntu 8.04

John Vivirito gnomefreak at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 01:49:56 UTC 2008

> I have dual boot xp and ubuntu 8.04 studio.  The only reason I keep xp 
> is I have friends that use Skype that I like to talk with and they will 
> not go with any linux programs.  The other thing is I use Premeire 6.5 
> for video editing.  Linux is coming along where video is concerned so at 
> some point I will be using an open sourse video editor.  There are a 
> couple I like but they are just not good enough yet to suit me.  I will 
> likely never go to the new ( what ever it's name is) windows program.  
> Have been messing with Vm ware but so far not able to get it to get it 
> to work.  I will likely go their at some point. One nice thing is if you 
> stay off line with windows, viruses are not to big a problem.  My chip 
> is AMD 64 so I can't install Skype and I am hopeing they will fix that.  
> I would really like my friends to go to Pigion but they are stubborn and 
> insist I use Skype ,maybe they are trying to get rid of me.  I can't 
> figure out why Skype is so tight with their code secrets it' not like 
> they have anything everyone wants to steal the whole thing is just OK  
> and no more, in my opinion.
>    Doug

As far as i know Medibuntu repos has Skype in it and for the most part
those repos are safest place to get packages outside of Ubuntu official
repos. This is not in everyones opinion but as long as i have been
around that seems to give the least amount of issues.
Website is http://www.medibuntu.org/
You can find a How-To at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu.
As for the rest of the media talk im sure the packages you want or
simular can be found there. I personally only used Medibuntu repos in
Feisty or Gutsy <dont remember exactly since i use devel version on same
PC as latest stable. Here is a list of all the packages in those repos
Sincerely Yours,
    John Vivirito

Linux User# 414246

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