Problems installing. No ISO, WUBI not working

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Mon Jun 23 09:57:06 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> pfft.  Wifi on linux works with virtually _all_ devices, now.  For many of
> them, we still need to rely on ndiswrapper, but there are very few devices
> that won't work with either a native driver or ndis.
The MadWifi drivers included in Hardy with the pre-installed Ubuntu 
Restricted Extras is recommended by the manufacturer of my wifi adapter 
which is built into my Acer Aspire 4520 laptop.  Its the Atheros 
AR5007EG Wireless Adapter.  The drivers for the Atheros adapter and 
Atheros HAL show up in System~>Administration~>Hardware Drivers as 
Enabled and In Use, but in System~>Administration~>Network there is no 
Wireless Connection listing only Wired Connection and PPP Connection and 
there is no interface for scanning for or even setting up a wireless 
connection.  My router doesn't broadcast its ID so I need to setup the 
ID and WEP Passcode manually to connect, but I see absolutely nothing 
which will let me do that.  The wifi adapter activity light on my laptop 
is dark when I'm in Linux also.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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