Media Players - Hardy

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Fri Jun 20 19:17:37 UTC 2008

Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>     As for a good audio player, go with Quod Libet & Exfalso,
>     make sure you install all plugins.
>     I have used this, and works very well...and very customizable to
>     your liken.
>     Regards-
>     Richard
> I guess there are a lot of them. I use Audacious myself and it works fine.
I've been giving Banshee a try though its not compatible with my 
MTA-based MP3 player (Sandisk Sansa Clip 2GB).  I tried Rhythmbox under 
Gutsy and it worked ok with that player but Ubuntu and Windows read the 
contents of the drive differently.  For instance, the player had songs 
on it I couldn't find while browing its contents in Ubuntu but they were 
there when I used Windows.  These were preloaded tracks Sandisk had on 
the player when it shipped.  Compatibility with MTA based MP3 players 
may have improved with Hardy so I'll have to see how it works.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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