cant ping website

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Jun 20 00:46:15 UTC 2008

On 06/19/2008 05:13 PM, Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> On Jun 19, 2008, at 7:13 PM, Brian McKee wrote:
>> In your case, it was DNS - because it couldn't figure out who to ping.
>> That's what the 'unknown host' message is trying to say.
> Your answer is correct in a sense, but it could be misleading. Yes,  
> the reason ping failed was because it couldn't resolve the host. But  
> given just that error message, the reason why it couldn't resolve the  
> host could be a number of things, ranging from incorrect network  
> configuration, to a down gateway, to an unplugged cable, etc, etc.

Or a router set to not respond to pings... which is quite common these days.

Perhaps next time if Donny gives the website address/url then perhaps
someone else can try to ping.

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