Firefox 3.0 aggravations

Robert Holtzman holtzm at
Thu Jun 19 22:18:43 UTC 2008

On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, Steve Lamb wrote:

> Robert Holtzman wrote:
>>   I can't find a way to delete entries in the drop down menu accessed
>> from the address (url) window. It shows entries from sites I have accessed
>> from links in other sites. FF 2.0 never did this. Also the entries are
>> more verbose which is only a minor irritation.
> about:config
> Set browser.urlbar.matchOnlyTyped to true.

Neither this nor "oldbar" keep from showing entries from sites I have 
accessed from links in other sites according to what I have been able to 

>     You can also get an addon called "oldbar" which will make the new bar
> look like the old bar, IE, no verbosity.  However the old search functionality
> is gone.  In spite of nearly a uniform panning in Bugzilla of the new search
> functionality the devs removed any way to get the old functionality back.
> Let's hear it for listening to the users!  Yeah!

You can't be serious. That's so 90s!

>     Between KDE and Firefox dev being a bunch of boneheads when it comes to
> actual functionality vs. "this looks soooOOOO cool!  It's lame, everyone hates
> it but it LOOKS RAD DUDE!" functionality I have to wonder what's happening
> with the FOSS model of development.  *sigh*

The toddlers have taken over. Hear them at work: "Oooooooohhhhhhh kool, 

Back to the question:
I'm just about to the point of wiping FF 3.0 and reinstalling FF 2. Aside 
from backing up the bookmarks file is there anything else?

An aside, one of the FF developers on the FF forum said he was working on 
addressing complaints about the "Wonderbahrbar". Maybe I'll wait and give 
him a chance. On the other hand he may be one of the toddlers. 
"Oooooooohhhhhhh kool, dood"

Bob Holtzman
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
  check the price of the beer"

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