Move to 8.04, Hardy Heron

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Jun 19 02:38:43 UTC 2008

Michael.Coll-Barth at wrote:

>> Why "times 5"?  I download everything on my own machine, and
>> use apt-move to
>> create a local apt (partial) mirror, then update my wife's
>> machine from
>> mine.  No muss, no fuss, and no multiple downloads.  There
>> are half a dozen
>> different ways to do what apt-move does.
> I am going to try this.  Anything to look out for?  If this mucks me up,
> I'll just build it from scratch.  I was looking for the path of least
> resistance and damage to the system in terms of user settings and files.

Give your local repository a name other than "hardy".  I called mine feisty,
and it's still called that, even though all the packages are hardy... 
That's not a problem, just a confusion.

Unless you create a full mirror, you want the secondary machines to list
your local repository first in their sources.list, _then_ Ubuntu -
otherwise they won't be able to download anything you haven't already got.

There is another method that creates a proxy server (apt-proxy, perhaps?)
where everybody points to the local server, and the local server serves up
packages from its repository if available, or gets them from upstream if
not.  That might be more suitable for you.  As I said, there are a lot of
similar ways to do this.

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