
Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Jun 18 14:10:11 UTC 2008

debian wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 18:24 -0400, Michael "TheZorch" Haney wrote:
>> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>>> I can set my AV to update every half hour. Doesn't mean the signatures 
>>> are all that up-to-date, though. But if it gives you the warm fuzzies...
>> I've been burned by a lot of other AV programs, either they stop giving 
>> away free virus definition updates and make you pay for them, or they 
>> don't update often enough and you get caught off guard by some new 
>> infection, or etc. etc.   I've recommended Avast to a lot of people who 
>> use Windows and they've all been very happy with it.  
> You probably know this already but they do have avast for linux and a
> few other platforms as well. but one thing i dont like about avast is,
> especially for the free edition, they require that you provide a license
> key. 
> imho i would much rather have an AV that doesnt require a license key
> (im sure that there are some that are like that)

It would be nice, but from a business standpoint, I think it's a fine 
compromise...they would want some kind of statistic on how many people 
are approximately using their product. As long as it isn't annoying 
about it I wouldn't mind (although I wonder how they reconcile license 
usage with downloads of their databases).

Some products that don't annoy me with the keys are VMWare (Linux) and 
AVG (Windows). I entered keys for them awhile ago, and subsequent 
upgrades and reinstalls of the products must still re-use the old keys 
so they don't pester me again.

Microsoft Office, though...AAAHHH

Or worse, Windows. It will wipe your drive, obliterate your old data, 
THEN ask for the key before you can get the computer into a "usable" 
state again. What genius thought of that?

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