
debian debiani386 at
Wed Jun 18 04:40:30 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 18:24 -0400, Michael "TheZorch" Haney wrote:
> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> > I can set my AV to update every half hour. Doesn't mean the signatures 
> > are all that up-to-date, though. But if it gives you the warm fuzzies...
> >   
> I've been burned by a lot of other AV programs, either they stop giving 
> away free virus definition updates and make you pay for them, or they 
> don't update often enough and you get caught off guard by some new 
> infection, or etc. etc.   I've recommended Avast to a lot of people who 
> use Windows and they've all been very happy with it.  
You probably know this already but they do have avast for linux and a
few other platforms as well. but one thing i dont like about avast is,
especially for the free edition, they require that you provide a license

imho i would much rather have an AV that doesnt require a license key
(im sure that there are some that are like that)

> -- 
> Michael "TheZorch" Haney
> thezorch at
> AIM: thezorch at
> Yahoo IM: zorchhaney
> ICQ: 343230252
> GoogleTalk: thezorch
> Skype Name: thezorch
> MSN Messeger: haneymichael at

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