Move to 8.04, Hardy Heron

Derek Broughton news at
Tue Jun 17 12:33:59 UTC 2008

Michael.Coll-Barth at wrote:

> Who picks those names?  

The Ubuntu community...  

> When we get to 'N', how about Needy Nerd?  :) 
> This weekend, I actually went so far as to click on the Upgrade button
> for 8.04.  Then I saw how long the download would take, multiplied that
> by 5 ( the number of Ubuntu systems I have ) and said 'nyet'.  

Why "times 5"?  I download everything on my own machine, and use apt-move to
create a local apt (partial) mirror, then update my wife's machine from
mine.  No muss, no fuss, and no multiple downloads.  There are half a dozen
different ways to do what apt-move does.

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