
Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Jun 17 12:32:57 UTC 2008

Graham Watkins wrote:
> Andrea Monaco wrote:
>> Can you suggest me a good Ubuntu antivirus?
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> Clamav, with Avscan for a front-end works for me. Many argue that 
> anti-virus software is unecessary for pure linux systems because all 
> viruses (virii?) are written for Windows and they might be right.  
> However, this may not be true forever and I think it's best not to be  
> too complacent.

Only if there's a vulnerability would you need to worry about it. A 
program, which a virus is, would only have access to what the user has 
access to or it's not a virus. Don't run as root and you shouldn't need 
to worry about a virus installing itself into the system area.

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