tomcat 5.5

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Jun 16 15:05:20 UTC 2008

Aart Koelewijn wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:39:29 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Markus Schönhaber wrote:
>>> Personally, I prefer splitting things up between /opt and /srv, though.
>> I would avoid using /srv, since it isn't afaik part of the Debian file
>> hierarchy.  But for most of us, choosing /opt or /usr/local is purely a
>> matter of preference - the difference intended by the Debian FHS is
>> pretty insignificant on single-user systems. --
> I have  been thinking about this too. I know it is common nowadays to
> put /home on a separate partition to make it easier to preserve it during
> a upgrade/reinstall. When you have to do a upgrade/reinstall you will
> usualy want to preserve what is in /usr/local too. So I think it might be
> a good idea to use /home/local if what is in there should be used by
> different users 

I wouldn't do that.  Back when I had a fair amount of third party software,
I had a /opt partition, and I'd do that if there was any likelihood of
going that route again.  /home _should_ (according to the FHS) be for user
data - don't confuse things by using it for applications. 

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