Bootin 4 OS'es?

David Vincent dvincent at
Fri Jun 13 17:52:59 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Clayton wrote:
>> I'd like to set my laptop up to boot 4 different OS'es. Those would be
>> Ubuntu, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and XP. Can anyone suggest a way to do this?
> The basic rule is start with XP because of all the OSes in your list,
> it is the one that does not play well with others.
> Also... plan your partitioning before hand.  Make sure you know what
> your partitions will be for each OS.. how big they will be etc.

I've got XP, Ubuntu and OpenSolaris working.  Here's how:

- - used the systemrescuecd to create three primary partitions of 10gig
each then devoted the rest of my 60gig drive to an extended partition
where I created two more logical partitions - a 2gig for swap and the
rest for /home
- - install XP first to the first partition
- - install Ubuntu second
- - install OpenSolaris third primary partition

Then I had to muck about with grub and finally got it all working by
using the SuperGrubCD to get back into Ubuntu, then installing Ubuntu's
GRUB to Ubuntu partition (not the MBR) and left the OpenSolaris GRUB on
the MBR.  Then I setup a chainloader entry for Ubuntu in the OpenSolaris
GRUB menu and made it my default.

Now Ubuntu can install new kernels and update its grub menu without
messing up the OpenSolaris one.

My big tip is to figure out how to install GRUB to a partition and not
the MBR.  Here's some links:

- -d
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