Ubuntu's disorganized behaviour

Kristian Rink kristian at zimmer428.net
Fri Jun 13 14:14:49 UTC 2008

Am Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:00:54 -0500
schrieb Young <tuxman at knology.net>:

> I forgot to mention that it wouldn't run in the terminal either. Or 
> maybe it just had a different name in the terminal.

You did care about case sensitivity? Just to be sure... Either way, if
trying to run it from the terminal, what did happen? Error messages?
Command not found, something the like?

> There was none obvious.

<ALT>+<F2> -> "packagename" (lowercase) ?

[Creating link]
> Right click context menu, Make Link is greyed out.

Not sure what "Make Link" in nautilus exactly does, but I suspect it
wants to create a link right in the folder where the original file
lives - if so, seeing it greyed out is perfectly fine as you aren't
likely to be allowed to write to /usr/bin as an arbitrary user.
CTRL+SHIFT + dragging the file to your desktop would have been more
what you want I guess. ;)

> > Which search tool did you use, what did you search for, and what
> > did it find?
> > 
> Tracker Search Tool is completely useless.
> The search that I usually is the one with no name. It's on my top
> panel, and if I remember correctly it's the one you get from the 'add
> to panel'. It has the same icon as Tracker.

Tracker mainly is a desktop rather than a file search utility. Finding
anything newly created with tracker is next to unlikely as long as
tracker hasn't yet indexed it. Using a file search or "find" (in a
terminal) seems more what you need here; or, as an alternative, as
pointed out before, using synaptic to determine which files have been
installed where on your system seems to be the easiest way to go if you
don't want to mess with the command line and/or search applications.


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