
Derek Broughton news at
Thu Jun 12 23:29:03 UTC 2008

David McNally wrote:

> I own a copy of "The Official Ubuntu Book; Second Edition" by Benjamin
> Maco Hill and Jono Bacon with Ivan Krstic, David J. Murphy, Jonathan
> Jesse, Peter Savage, and Corey Burger with a foreward by Mark
> Shuttleworth. (I can't believe I even bothered to type that; I probably
> could have copied it from Amazon. And no one's going to read all of that
> anyway.)

Just because you said that, I went back and read all of it :-)

> P.S. That bread really is good. And it's shaped like the Ubuntu logo,
> which makes it taste even better!

and we all know "eet's better to rrroook good, than to bee goood".

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