Forget Hardy

Phil Sexton philsexton at
Thu Jun 12 20:21:16 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:

>     I do not know. Not sure the LiveCD has a /var or anything like it. 
> But can do it again and see if any logs are there.

IIRC, I think I may have had a similar situation when I only had one 
box and wanted to test Hardy before replacing Gutsy.

I suspect a partition size problem, since you are able to install 
Gutsy and fail with Hardy.

Why not trying to install Hardy on the partitions that contain 
Gutsy?  That way you would definitely have big enough partitions to 
succeed.  You could always re-install Gutsy if you don't like Hardy.

I recommend a minimum of 4 partitions for a Linux only installation, 
/boot, swap, / and /home

Having a separate /home partition allows (me at least) a quick and 
easy install/reinstall without losing important data.

I like to have a separate box for researching distros, but my main 
box is down for a burnt out video card.  I had suspected a defective 
driver, but the card started giving off a burnt odor, so I am 
running on a memory impaired test box just now.

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