urgent+ubuntu 8.04 desktop+post installation trouble

Donny George donny008 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 18:48:52 UTC 2008


yes finally its up

i defined the gateway and then i could ping the webstes and then i did the
sudo apt-get upgrade and update

and now its all back to where it has to be :)

thank you Noop, thankyou so much for all the help

but truly ubuntu behaves even more weird than people sometimes :( but still
i love it

thanks all


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 7:58 AM, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> On 06/12/2008 02:05 AM, Donny George wrote:
> > hello all
> >
> > thanks for all the help and suggestions
> >
> >
> > as part of fixing the graphical problem in the ubuntu 8.04 server edition
> as
> > per the suggestion frmo the mailing list i logged in to the failsafe
> gnome
> > mode frmo the log in screen and installed the restrcited packages and
> then
> > rebooted and everythign was fine
> >
> >
> > but now my problem is that i installed an ubuntu 8.04 desktop edition and
> it
> > has the same graphics problem and once i log in with user id and passwd
> it
> > just returns to the log in screen. i tried the same method of failsafe
> gnome
> > with the desktop edition but it didnt work. and when i try to make some
> > updates with update manager it returns an error which says that it
> couldnt
> > fetch  from http://de.archive.ubuntu.com... and that couldnt resolve the
> > de.archive.ubuntu.com
> >
> > shall i in this case go for a reintall ?
> >
> > donny
> If you are sure that you have a good network connection, you may have to
> select a different mirror. The Ubuntu mirrors have problems on occassion
> (more than they should) but generally clear up after a short while. More
> than likely your host file is messed up (common on Hardy install); ping
> the mirror:
> ~$ ping de.archive.ubuntu.com
> PING ubuntu.mirror.tudos.de ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from tethys.zih.tu-dresden.de ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52
> time=183 ms
> and if its working try again.
> If it can't resolve the host try 'ping localhost'. If that doesn't work,
> then from a terminal:
> nano /etc/hosts
> change to:
> localhost <computername>
> <computername>
> Nothing else on those two lines, particularly if you see:
> <computername>.<workgroupname>
> be sure to drop the .<workgroup> bit.
> Note: for <computername> use the name in /etc/hostname:
> cat /etc/hostname
> Then:
> sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
> ifconfig
> make sure that you have a valid network IP/interface showing up.
> then
> ping localhost
> ping google.com
> ping de.archive.ubuntu.com
> If that works:
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get upgrade
> After that reboot & try your failsafe mode again.
> --
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