Forget Hardy

Jeffrey Tooker Jeffreytooker at
Wed Jun 11 15:47:06 UTC 2008

Clayton wrote:
>> Why do "experts" need to insult and harangue newbies?
> Possibly because it gets frustrating to have to repeat the same answer
> over and over and over.  In many of these RTFM cases a simple Google
> search would have turned up hundreds of answers to the question.  Do
> you answer the question with a copy/paste again?  Or do you tell the
> person to do a little thinking for themselves and go look it up?
> I'm not saying that the way the newbie question is handled is the
> right way, but I certainly do understand where the RTFM replies come
> from.
> C.
I like many other newbies came from Windows and started cold, right into 
Ubuntu. I got help sometimes, and got ignored sometimes. I was fortunate 
enough not to get the RTFM. Due to advice from a member of this list I 
stayed with Gutsy. It has caused me less problems than Hardy and I am up 
and running in Gutsy. I have found a flavor of Linux called Puppy. I 
feel this is a better starting point for newbies coming from Windows. I 
am now able to run Puppy in 4.0. Puppy is more GUI oriented. I find it 
much more intuitive for one coming from a Windows background. It can be 
run from a disk or a stick. This means that if you crash it, you can get 
back to default or your last saved condition by restarting. It is pretty 
stripped down and basic. I am running it on a CD and still have 400 MB 
free on the disk. It stores all additional information back to the disk 
. So your complete system including all records is stored on (in my 
case) the disk. Put it in virtually any computer and you should be in 
business. Puppy has different downloads for computer system types. It 
will do Online, email, players for movies, video, and audio. It has a 
word processor but not the rest of the stuff found in Open Office. It 
has a more newbie friendly list structure. This is the link: It also has command line 
for as needed use, which for general use is rare. I got Puppy up and 
running with very little (compared to Ubuntu) help from their beginner 
list. It helped me through the basic , nuts and bolts. Puppy could be 
expanded to hold all of my present records and run Open Office, but that 
is another story. I still lurk on this list to read up on subjects I 
have some understanding of and can learn a bit about.


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