Trouble with SARG

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Jun 11 14:10:58 UTC 2008

Marcelo Garcia / Supermar wrote:
> Hello Everybody
> I'm changing my atual system by Ubuntu 7.1. I used work with squid and sarg
> But in the new server, i mconfigured squid and sarg but when sarg run, the 
> error message is show
>  sarg -l /var/log/squid/access.log -f /etc/squid/sarg.conf -d
> *** stack smashing detected ***: sarg terminated
> Aborted
> Squid is working ok. Below the value of the variables
> root at atlas:/var/log/squid# echo $YESTERDAY
> 09/06/2008
> root at atlas:/var/log/squid# echo $HOJE
> 10/06/2008
> root at atlas:/var/log/squid#
> Some sugestion ?

You may have to wait for a fix or try SARG from source.

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