OT: which to use - email client or web-based email?

Steve Lamb grey at dmiyu.org
Wed Jun 11 08:16:35 UTC 2008

Default User wrote:
> Does anyone have any thoughts on the subject?  

     Unless you're running your own webmail server I would not recommend any 
web based service, period.

     I enjoy Yahoo! rejecting my mail because it is from a spamming IP even 
though my IP is not on any RBL I can find.  Same with Hotmail.  Even worse is 
that they don't 550 my mail.  They 250 it and /silently drop it without 
informing the other end/.  Sorry, if you 250 you deliver.  If you have no 
intention to deliver you 550 so *I* know what's going on. gmail also has 
similar problems but not as bad.

     Simply put when you use a web-based service you are utterly dependent on 
their policy choices.  Choice which are designed to convenience them and their 
problems as a provider to hundreds of thousands of users and not to 
convenience you as a single user.

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