Forget Hardy

Shannon McMackin smcmackin at
Wed Jun 11 02:23:54 UTC 2008

mwbesemer at wrote:
> Mario,
> I agree... unfriendly is probably a better term.  And yes, sometimes it's for the sake of brevity... but sometimes it's not and to the newbie that can be daunting.  Perception is reality, as I'm sure you're aware.
> Regarding Karl... yes, you deserve some slack!
> The power of the reflector is that we all bring something to the table (even the frequent P.I.T.A.'s) and (as stated before) the power of Ubuntu is this huge support base we have.  
> Mike
> ---- Mario Vukelic <mario.vukelic at> wrote: 
>> On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 16:58 -0400, mwbesemer at wrote:
>> In all honesty, I've managed to work out the problems I was having using
>> other resources (other lists and Internet research).  I will not post to
>> a reflector until I've at least made an attempt to solve the problem myself.
> This is very helpful of you, and I often wish it was a more common
> trait :)
>>  Nontheless, I do READ most of the traffic here and while I fully recognize
>> that some people can try the patience of the list en-masse, I've been
>> somewhat intimidated by the tones of some of the members here. 
> Maybe I have been on mailing lists for too long, but I seriously can't
> see intimidating tone for the vast, vast majority of the time. I know
> that I can come across unfriendly, I think most of the time because I
> try to write short and to the point, and cut out the fluff. This is to
> limit time spent on posts. I also tend to answer the issues that come up
> repeatedly or all the time, where a quick link to the docs is more
> efficient (and more helpful) than coming up with a new explanation every
> time. I usually leave the more time-consuming help to others (sorry
> guys :)
> Sometimes I am also annoyed, more or less rightfully. (I think I have
> deserved some slack re Karl :)
> I have tried to be more accommodating recently.
> But again, I believe that the Code of Conduct is observed pretty well on
> the list. I guess you have to allow for the fact that is _is a mailing
> list after all, with all the baggage that comes with that.
>>  There are
>> a lot of us out there who are no strangers to computers (I've had computers
>> in my ham shack since the TRS80 Model I and have spend a good deal of time
>> as a user on Unix systems) but are new to Linux/Ubuntu and need advice at 
>> that level.  In other words, I'm not stupid, but I AM ignorant.
> I am sure that with your attitude of doing some research yourself before
> asking, you will receive plenty of help. If in doubt, consult this
>> Okay... I'm taking off my flame-retardant underwear... didn't mean to start a war.
> :) cheers

I've been reviewing this list more than posting and I can see your point 
to some extent about the posts, but I also think that in some cases as 
Mario points out, brevity is often mistaken for rudeness.  I think that 
it's difficult to accurately imply any sentiments in a list because 
you're not looking the individual in the face when he replies to you.

Remember too that this is a global list and not everyone's use of 
english grammar is perfect, it is what it is...

Please don't think I'm implying any slander towards are global 
contributors, no offense meant, just explaining what I sometimes see...

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