Forget Hardy

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Jun 10 20:28:27 UTC 2008

mwbesemer at wrote:
> When I first started experimenting with Ubuntu/Linux, I expected to
> find a community that was full of knowledge and ready to help.  I'm
> sorry to say that what I've experienced has not been at all like
> that.  Mario's comments below seem all too typical.

My comments were far more inflammatory, but oh well.

Before you join Karl's side trying to crucify the members of the list, I 
would strongly suggest you go back and review Karl's history on the 
list. He has a history of making inflammatory comments to people or 
giving advice that is to the right of the mark, then arguing about it 
when someone tries to set it right.

This isn't a case of "poor newbie being picked on by list bullies."

If you can point strong evidence otherwise I'll be more than glad to 
admit I'm wrong with this view.

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