Crack GPG Password

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Jun 10 19:58:15 UTC 2008

Blaine Fleming wrote:
> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>> ? I don't understand what you mean here, but I doubt that the OP will 
>> find anything like what they are asking. GPG isn't like the 
>> can't have only a portion of a password and crack the remaining 
>> digits/characters. It's kind of an all or nothing deal...I mean, if you 
>> encrypt something, then encrypt it again with a password that's one off 
>> in characters, you should get something that looks completely different.
> The way I understand it, the OP knows the first 15 characters of a 20 
> character password.  So it seems to me that a bruteforce of the 
> remaining characters shouldn't take very long as five characters isn't 
> very strong even if using a large alphabet.  So in this case, it would 
> be a lot like the movies!

While this isn't exactly the same thing...

Create a text file. In it, enter "Hello fellow."
use MD5SUM on it to get the hash (md5sum filename.txt)
Open the file, change it to "hello fellow."
Use MD5SUM on it.

2 different hashes, and all you changed was the case of one letter.

You *can't* extract a part of a password like the OP is looking for. The 
algorithm used in creating the encrypted product doesn't look at your 
password as discrete chunks to be guessed like you see in the movies 
where you see, "Oh my @#$! He has the first three numbers already!" 
while you hear a crescendo of suspenseful music.

If you continue to insist on this you'll end up summoning Bruce Schneier 
and then you'll be very very sorry...

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