Problems w/ Kernels on Hardy

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Fri Jun 6 17:14:00 UTC 2008

2008/6/6, Shannon McMackin <smcmackin at>:
> chris wrote:
> > Marius,
> >
> > thank you so very much for the commands below.  They worked like a charm.
> >
> > On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 6:06 AM, Marius Gedminas <marius at> wrote:
> >> At the moment when you're seeing this, do you still have
> >> linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic (and -17-generic) installed?  From the
> >> error messages it would seem that you don't, but apt shouldn't have
> >> allowed that to happen.
> >
> > No... they are no longer installed.  I needed to free up space on my
> > /boot to get -18 installed so I had removed -16.  Then -18 installed
> > fine.  But then I figured I didn't need -17 so removed it as well..
> > and then these errors cropped up.
> >
> > I'll head over to launchpad and enter something.  I wasn't exaclty
> > sure if I hit a bug or if it was self induced due to me being stupid.
> >
> > I'm trying to recreate on a vm but having no luck so I'm leaning more
> > towards I was being stupid and I'm not remembering something I've
> > done.
> >
> Chris,
> As a rule of thumb, I try to keep a current available kernel and the 1
> previous working kernel, just in case something goes awry...
> My own rule of thumb is more like that I keep the latest Live-CD in case
anything should go wrong. In fact I keep all of them. Besides I have another
computer as well with which I can burn a new one if the current ones don't

And I always take backups of my own files. I do that to a USB HDD. That way
I make it done. If I made backups to DVD I would probably usually just don't
do it, because of the inconvenience: Looking for an empty DVD or erasing a
DVD+RW, and it takes too long time to copy all the files to it and I would
need several of them etc etc. Now I just wrote a few scripts which I run by
just clicking an icon, and a few seconds or minutes later the backup is
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