Win98 -- all kidding aside

POWERS, ZACK zpowers at
Thu Jul 31 21:48:05 UTC 2008


>I made those facts plain early in the exchange, but Silverstrim was
>busy spouting command-line blah that he missed the point. Seems like
>missed it, too. So now you've got it (I hope), there's another bug
>can report. Or put somewhere.

It would be best jimmy if you reported this bug as you are the user
experiencing this issue.

>More directly -- when Ubuntu developers start thinking of Ubuntu AS A
>SYSTEM instead of a collection of software that, for the most part,
>works together, the sooner Ubuntu Linux will attract a lions share of
>the user base -- a user base that, whether YOU like it or not,
>of guys like me who are devoted to the GUI.

I think it is important to note that none of the people who you
corresponded, including myself, with are Ubuntu Developers. While they
may be developers for other projects, the thing that unites them on
this mailing list is that they are all Ubuntu users just like
yourself. If in fact you wanted technical support from the Ubuntu
Developers or Bug Maintainers then there are other mailing list for
that(Perhaps you should contact Canonical about purchasing a support
contract). The Ubuntu Developers do think of their distribution as a
whole system and do make changes and put in a great effort to provide
a integration across many Software Packages. Please do not make the
mistake of believing any person this mailing list represents Ubuntu as
something more than another user.

-Zack Powers
-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-users-bounces at on behalf of Jimmy
Sent: Thu 7/31/2008 5:16 PM
To: Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions
Subject: RE: Win98 -- all kidding aside
Vukelic -- Floppy Formatter is installed on my system and has been
installed since the get-go. It doesn't work. Although Applications -
Add/Remove shows that floppy formatter is present, floppy formatter
doesn't show up in any of the menus and no formatting options appear
when I right-click the drive in any context.

I made those facts plain early in the exchange, but Silverstrim was so
busy spouting command-line blah that he missed the point. Seems like
missed it, too. So now you've got it (I hope), there's another bug you
can report. Or put somewhere.

Maybe it's a Gnome thing. Maybe it's a Nautilus thing. Maybe it's a
Ubuntu thing. I'm a user, for god's sake, not a
developer/programmer. ?How the hell am I supposed to know whose/which
province the thing belongs in?.

And regarding that question I will again raise a point that I raised
earlier. The sooner Ubuntu (or Mandrake or Xandros or any other
realizes that responsibility for buggy administrative software
by THEIR DISTRO is THEIR PROBLEM, the sooner those bugs will be fixed
and the sooner that distro will capture more market share.

If I have a problem with Explorer (the Windoze file manager) Microsoft
doesn't blow me off and tell me to consult the Explorer development
team. Microsoft treats it as a Windoze problem and, soon as they can
devise one, broadcasts the fix for that problem. So, if Ubuntu is
to rely on the Gnome interface and the Nautilus file manager, Ubuntu
people would be wise to take versions of Gnome and Nautilus under the
Ubuntu development wing and solve problems associated with those tools
and better integrate those tools into the Ubuntu concept.

More directly -- when Ubuntu developers start thinking of Ubuntu AS A
SYSTEM instead of a collection of software that, for the most part,
works together, the sooner Ubuntu Linux will attract a lions share of
the user base -- a user base that, whether YOU like it or not,
of guys like me who are devoted to the GUI.

Jimmy Again

On Thu, 2008-07-31 at 22:42 +0200, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-07-31 at 16:20 -0400, POWERS, ZACK wrote:
> > In Linux the formating of various media is done by a program
> > parted. parted has a graphical front-end named GParted that can
> > your floppy disc for you.
> I'd recommend the floppy formatter instead. Gparted is way overkill
> format floppies, and it is easy to break stuff. 
> Right-click the Applications menu to edit the menu. In the left pane
> to System Tools. Click it, then check the box next to Floppy
> This will add the floppy formatter to the System Tools menu. Start
> from there.

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