The Ubuntu Experiment

Chris Jones jonesc at
Thu Jul 31 08:56:58 UTC 2008

> No, I have to remember which _applications_ are associated with which task. 
> What if I'm doing development on two projects (I am)?  afaik, I can only
> have one eclipse.  So which desktop does it go on?  Now I'm working on
> three projects but only two of them use eclipse - I can't have eclipse on
> two of three desktops.

For me it *is* windows and not applications. When I say project it is 
usually a C++ project, for which I'm old school and use emacs and 
gcc/make at the command line. I like to have one-file one-frame with 
emacs, so this means for a single project I will typically have 10 emacs 
windows and a couple terminals. Throw in a web browser, cvs client etc. 
and they add up.

I really don't want all these windows mixed in with similar numbers from 
other projects, all on the same desktop.


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