network-manager-openvpn routes does not get set

art artmartz at
Tue Jul 29 17:06:56 UTC 2008

David Meireles wrote:
> Been strugling with that too since Dapper and never managed to get it 
> working. Gave it up, currently using Kvpn under Gnome. It works good and 
> the VPN setup is easier... But if someone has a solution...
> Kailesh Mussai escreveu:
>> Dear all,
>> I have set the openvpn connection using n-m-openvpn.  The tun device
>> gets configured, I get an IP from the openvpn server but the routes does
>> not get set.  (FYI. The openvpn server pushes the routes to the client).
>> I did get it working with just the openvpn init scripts.
>> Any help would be most appreciated?
>> Best,
>> Kailesh 
I've had good results with the vpn plug-in for nm-applet.

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