network-manager-openvpn routes does not get set

David Meireles dmeireles at
Tue Jul 29 14:59:09 UTC 2008

Been strugling with that too since Dapper and never managed to get it 
working. Gave it up, currently using Kvpn under Gnome. It works good and 
the VPN setup is easier... But if someone has a solution...

Kailesh Mussai escreveu:
> Dear all,
> I have set the openvpn connection using n-m-openvpn.  The tun device
> gets configured, I get an IP from the openvpn server but the routes does
> not get set.  (FYI. The openvpn server pushes the routes to the client).
> I did get it working with just the openvpn init scripts.
> Any help would be most appreciated?
> Best,
> Kailesh 

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